Google Analytics的统计程序是不错,但是也不是完美无缺,比如它就不像cnzz那样有来路分析和搜索词汇分析……这两条对于把网站当事业,把流量当生命的站长来说是至关重要的。所以cnzz在某种程度上还是不能被替代的。不过谁又能说Google Analytics不会迎头赶上,继续拓展新功能呢?不过cnzz,这个在华人站长中备受推崇的统计器,看来还需要有很多的路程要赶!
下面贴个Google Analytics发给我的提示信,小炫一把。
Hello Google Analytics User,
This is a quick update to address some issues you may be seeing
in your Google Analytics account and what we're doing to respond.
First, due to extremely high demand, we've temporarily limited
the number of new signups as we increase capacity. This allows
us to focus on our primary objective--to provide a great user
experience for our existing users.
Next, here is current information on the most common questions
we're receiving:
1. The 'Check Status' button is being reworked to check for
properly installed tracking code. This should be fixed by the
end of November.
2. The '+Add Profile' link has been temporarily removed until
we increase capacity. We'll alert all current users when the
feature is restored.
3. While we increase capacity, you may see longer than normal
delays in data showing up in your reports. All data continues
to be collected and no data has been lost.